Gallery is closed until Feb 28

Material Poster

¥3,960 (税込)

Approx. US $

Michele Lockwood が20年ほど前に東京で立ち上げたMATERIALのため友人のMargaret Kilgallenが当時デザインしたポスター。再販の希望が多く、今回S.F.P.とのコラボで100枚限定で作成しました。リサイクルクラフトペーパーにベジタブルインク使用。
36 x 48.5 cm 
printed in Japan


Material x S.F.P. limited collab poster
Vegetable-based ink on recycled craft paper
Artwork by Margaret Kilgallen for MATERIAL
Scooters For Peace handstamp on back
14 1/5 ×19 1/4 inches
printed in Japan

Sorry this item is for domestic shipping only.


The exchange rate of Japanese yen per dollar is 155.21 yen.