On The Edge Of A Dream Book & DVD

¥15,180 (税込)

Approx. US $

共にオーストラリア出身であるAndrew Kidman(シェイパー/フィルムメーカー)とEllis Ericson(サーファー/シェイパー)が、サーフボードデザインに多大な影響を与えたGeorge Greenoughの革新的なボードデザインを模索する様子を綴ったムービーとブックのプロジェクト。ブック100ページ・DVD52分(日本語字幕入り)。
アートワークはBarry McGee


ON THE EDGE OF A DREAM by Andrew Kidman & Ellis Ericson.
100 page hardbound book plus 52min film DVD (with Japanese subtitles) featuring the modern evolution of George Greenough’s Edge Boards.
Titling and artwork by Barry McGee. Art direction by James Newitt.

For the past five years Ellis Ericson and Andrew Kidman have been working with George Greenough on the modern evolution of his Edge Board design. 

Ericson and Kidman are both shapers; the book and film charts their journey as they work with Greenough to personalise their own equipment with a design George has been toying around with since the late ‘60s. 

Shot in Australia on the North Coast of New South Wales it features the original venues Lennox Head and Angourie where Greenough’s innovative Edge designs were tested in the early ‘70s.


The exchange rate of Japanese yen per dollar is 155.21 yen.