Santa Barbara Rally Tenugui

¥3,300 (税込)

Approx. US $

染料を注いで染める「注染」の技法で職人の手によって丁寧につくられた手ぬぐい。Museum of Contemporary Art Santa Barbaraで2018年に開催したS.F.P.ポップアップショップのために制作。
34 × 100 cm
100% コットン

Traditional Japanese handmade Tenugui (meaning hand and wipe) designed and produced for our 2018 MCASB pop-up. Thin, soft, and unhemmed fabric is quick to dry and can be used to wipe your hands, wipe your scooters, as face masks, placemats, wrapping gifts and bento.
Handmade in Japan
13 1/2 × 39 1/2 inches
100% Cotton


The exchange rate of Japanese yen per dollar is 155.21 yen.